Lower backs can get sore. Either from too much sitting or lifting with poor technique. Either way, back injuries do happen and there are some simple exercises that you can do to help prevent or rehabilitate your back. Rest is often the worst thing for backs.

Movement is what it needs.
So here’s our initial back rehab program. 3 rounds: 10 reverse hyper extensions 30/30s side plank 5-10 Jefferson curls. Reverse hyper - Get a bench on two 24 inch boxes and swing your legs back and forth. Add a band under the box and around your feet to increase resistance. Plank - use a mat Jefferson curl - do this on a box with a light weight and curl your back one vertebrae at a time. The goal is the knuckle of the wrist to get to the toes. Don’t rush these.

Do this either as a warm up, during or at the end of the training session. It doesn’t matter.

If you’ve a bad back right now do this as a warmup. If you’re wanting to prevent any injury from happening do it before or after the metcon (workout).