So not sexy, but SOO important: truly working on those push-ups so you can do them pain free, and use the correct muscles. 

This transfer to all movements that involve the shoulder but the push-up is a good example of a basic but effective movement. 


The shoulder is incredibly complex joint that requires a lot of practice to do movements safely while using it.
Keep your shoulders back and down keeps them stable and functioning properly.
When we try and ‘spread the floor’ in a push-ups what we’re actually doing is creating torque and stability in the joint. You’re basically using your shoulder how it was meant to be used.
Thinking about winding into the floor will allow you to be continue to do multiple pushups, handstands, bench presses, shoulder presses (into the bar) injury free.
So every time we practice these movements we should start on that basis and try our best to keep those shoulders active in each of those movements.
Any questions let me know!