Here's some gymnastic progression for you.

Kip Swing, Kipping Pull-ups, and Butterfly pullups and bar muscle up progression. It's a short 8 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) that can be used once or twice a week for 6 weeks to really truly nail these progressions.

This tech comes up often but can also be used before or after a workout. 8 minutes: every minute on the minute
Minutes: 1+2 - kipping swings - 5-10 reps focus on late engagement and maintaining a strong hollow body and arch position. 3+4 - kipping pull-ups - 5-10 reps focus on the hip extension, pulling the bar towards your neck, then pushing it off your chest at the top of the rep. Stay tight. 5+6 - chest bar pull-ups or butterflies - 3-5 reps - this time pull the elbows behind you to hit your collar bone and below to the bar, then press the bar away again. For butterflies, the reverse bike kick is excellent to practice here, make the pull progressively larger each rep to get higher and higher towards the bar. 7+8 - bar muscle up progression - 1-2 reps - the glide kip is the best way to develop the BMU. Get those feet high in the back swing and drive those elbows even harder behind you so that you get pulled up and over the bar.

If you have bar muscle ups, up to 5 reps then start with pull-ups and half way through progress to 3 BMU on the minute.
If you struggle with pull-ups then start with a dead hangs for the first two minutes, and finish with banded chest to bars or high kipping banded pull-ups.
If you’re a beast with the BMU then use this as an opportunity to do 3-5 BMU on the minute each minute to develop those further and consider doing our the competition training version of our programming.
Thanks to Thrivestry for providing the excellent programming and ideas for this.