Principle #3 - Eat Adequate Vegetables

Vegtables (and fruit) are:

High in vitamins and minerals. High in water. Helps preserve lean mass (bones and muscle) because they are alkaline producing. We often consume a similar daily volume of food.

Therefore eating veggies that are high in water, low in calories, will more easily put us in a calorie deficit. High in antioxidants - suggested to prevent age related disease.

They also prevent other diseases like: Cardiovascular disease Colon cancer High blood cholesterol High blood pressure Prostate cancer Type 2 diabetes Obesity Stroke Eye diseases Asthma Cervical cancer Breast cancer Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Endometrial cancer Gastric cancer Lung cancer Lymphoma Osteoporosis Ovarian cancer Pancreatic cancer Thyroid cancer
Impact on blood glucose levels is low, and therefore lessens the insulin response - this then results in more satiety, and improved body composition.
Diet’s with a foundation of fruits and vegetables will often result in lower consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol lowering the risk of heart disease.
They also contain higher levels of minerals - magnesium which is good for sleep, potassium, vitamin C & E, carotenoids, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals. A greens supplement can work really well if you’re travelling, or have run out of veg in the house! Aim to eat some fruit or vegetables every time you eat.